Almost every transaction has tax implications, whether it be income tax, estate tax or property tax. Our expertise and experience in tax allows us to better counsel our clients when they are making asset or business decisions. Whenever possible, we work with the client’s tax preparer to help the client make informed decisions.
While we do not prepare tax returns (we leave that to the professionals who perform these valuable services), we can offer tax counsel in the following situations:
- Tax Deferred Real Property Exchanges (1031 Exchange)
- Purchase or Sale of a Business
- Purchase or Sale of an Entity Interest
- Dissolution of an Entity
- Intrafamily Assets Transfers
- Charitable Gifting
- Property Tax Planning
- Obtaining Private Letter Rulings from the IRS
Tax Disputes
Unfortunately, clients sometimes become involved in tax disputes with the Internal Revenue Service and the California Franchise Tax Board. Fortunately for our clients, we have years of experience representing individuals and entities before both the IRS and FTB.
In the income tax arena, we can work closely with the client’s tax preparer in attempting to avoid proposed assessments of tax in the audit stage and resolving any proposed tax adjustments at the appellate level.
In the estate audit area, our expertise in both the estate planning as well as tax law allows us to better represent clients who are defending claims from the IRS as to increased estate taxes.